Nancy Palmer: Sierra College Trustee Helped the College Become an Integral Part of Nevada County

Nancy Palmer, a 22-year Sierra College trustee knew the importance of education and its positive impact on the community.
I grew up in a town that had a college, and I knew how great it was.
Nancy Palmer, Sierra College Trustee
So when Nancy got wind that they were breaking ground on a Nevada County campus two blocks away from her house, she jumped at the opportunity to become involved. Never one to dream small, Nancy decided she’d get involved by being a trustee. “At the time, I had no idea what a trustee even did,” recalls Nancy. “But I wanted so badly to be part of this college that I made 500 flyers for my campaign and asked people for their vote.” Nancy Palmer’s enthusiastic spirit won her a spot on the Board of Trustees.

That enthusiastic spirit was on even greater display when it was time to bring a world-class education to even more students and expand the campus. “I looked people straight in the eye—at churches, at grocery stores, everywhere—and I told them, ‘This bond is important for us. Please vote for it.’ I just believed in what Sierra College was going to deliver.” The bond passed overwhelmingly, helping develop the campus with seven new buildings, repaved parking lots, repaired roads and beautiful landscaping. They enlarged the small classrooms, built seven new buildings and provided ample seating where the commencements took place. “We had quite a bit of money left over and we used that over the years to do things such as repaving parking lots, fixed the roads, and completed landscaping.”
Today, the Nevada County campus remains a beautiful jewel for the community.