Equity in the Fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)

As part of our equity initiatives, Sierra College is consistently evaluating pathways for our students to explore the fields of STEM.

Currently, the college is exploring student-led clubs focused on support and outreach in these fields. Specifically, Sierra College’s Information Technology (IT) program is starting a Women in Technology Club. The purpose of the club is to provide support to women in Sierra College’s IT program and encourage more women to enroll in IT courses and explore careers in IT. To learn more, view our Women in Tech Club announcement and email Malena Prinzing at mprinzing1@sierracollege.edu to express your interest. As additional clubs are created, visit our Campus Clubs page.

Get in Touch

LaToya Jackson



Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)/Title IX Employer

Sierra College is an equal employment opportunity employer committed to nondiscrimination and the achievement of diversity and equity among its faculty, staff, and students. Persons with inquiries about the application of Title IX, Senate Bill 493, and/or EEO may contact the Director of Diversity, EEO and Title IX (Title IX Coordinator) at (916) 660-7006 or via email at EEOT9@sierracollege.edu.