Ask a Librarian

Ask a Librarian

We’re Here to Help

Can’t make it to campus? Sierra College reference librarians are available to help answer your questions by phone, email, chat or text message. For more in-depth research questions, in-person help is best. Stop by your campus Reference Desk or consider scheduling a research appointment at the Rocklin Campus Library.

Call Us

You can call the Reference Desk during open hours at (916) 660-7232 for Rocklin Campus and (530) 274-5280 for Nevada County Campus.

Email Us

Use our online form to email a question to a librarian. Submit your question.

Chat with Us

Use our chat widget to instant message a librarian. Your question will be answered by a Sierra College librarian or a librarian from our global chat cooperative. Click “Ask Us” button on the right side of the window.

Send Us a Text

Text us at (916) 542-6577. This feature is best for short questions that can be answered in 160 characters or less.

Schedule a Research Appointment

Need more in-depth help on your research? Schedule a 20 minute one-on-one research appointment with a librarian. When filling out the form, be as detailed as possible. The more we know about what you need, the better we will be able to help you. Research appointments are available in-person or online via Zoom.

Schedule a Library Orientation

Are you an instructor looking for a way to boost your students’ search skills? Consider scheduling a class library orientation. Taught by faculty librarians with master’s degrees in library and information science, we tailor our lesson to fit your assignment and students’ needs. Book at least a week in advance as space is limited. Online booking form is for Rocklin campus Library only.

To schedule an orientation at the Nevada County Campus Library or the Tahoe-Truckee Library, please contact the library by phone or in person.

Start Exploring at the Library

Use Discover! the library search tool to find a variety of library resources and tools available at the library.