Start Exploring at the Library
Our Services
At Sierra College Library, find books, databases, and other resources to support your studies. Librarians and library staff are available to help you succeed.

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Research Guides
Browse online guides for classes, programs and topics.

Study Rooms
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Research Databases
Discover articles, videos and ebooks for your research.

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View video tutorials on using library resources or take our self-paced information literacy tutorial.
About the Library
All three campuses offer access to online research databases containing more than 7,000 full-text magazines, journals and newspapers, and provide students with computer access. The libraries’ extensive electronic book collection is also available 24/7 to students anywhere they have internet access.
Our Mission
The mission of the Library is to develop and expand quality services and programs to ensure a supportive learning environment. We are committed to serving the diverse needs, interests and learning styles of our students, staff and community.