1 Philosophy 2rev
People, Culture and Society



Do you have an inquisitive mind and like to figure things out? In Philosophy, you’ll find the questions that human beings have been asking since the beginning of history. You’ll also hone your reasoning and critical thinking skills and become an accomplished writer. From logic to ethics, find your place in philosophical dialogue.

We can help you find the program that fits your passion and interests.
Headshot of Karin Green, Success Center Specialist
Karin Green, Success Center Specialist

Degrees in Philosophy

Put Your Mind to It

Following graduation, Philosophy majors work in many fields, including education, business, marketing, advertising, public relations, law, public policy, politics, writing or medicine. Find jobs as teachers, lawyers, paralegals, editors, copywriters, grant writers, non-profit or political consultants.

Philosophy students in class
Distinctio consequuntur omnis reiciendis. Quos quo maxime temporibus. Nobis at architecto fuga. Jadwiga Bonbach-Röhrdanz

Looking for something else?

With more than 50 programs in total, something is bound to align with your goals. Find out which one is the right fit for you.

  • History instructor discussing US map from 1861-1863 in front of classroom


    Gain a deeper understanding of the human condition and find ideas on how we can solve current problems using lessons from the past.
  • Female students participating in classroom discussion

    Political Science

    Learn more about politics at the local, state, national and global levels. Study the scientific methods and theories to heighten your political understanding.
    Political Science

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People, Culture and Society

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