Support Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
OLLI at Sierra College is a learning community with 1,000+ members. It is designed for lifelong learners, ages 50 years or better, who are eager to explore new areas of knowledge without the stress of tests or grades. Your contribution as a participating member or by donating, helps support our operations, and keep memberships and classes affordable.
We offer a wide variety of classes in art, film, government, health, history, literature, music, and science. All courses are designed to keep minds and bodies active. To fit your busy lifestyle, OLLI classes meet for just one class meeting or once a week for two-, four- or six-weeks. OLLI offers a unique way to explore new topics – in the classroom, outdoors and online. Join us today!
Explore all that we have to offer on the OLLI website: www.sierracollege.edu/olli