I see incorrect information in the app, can’t find something I’m looking for, or I found a broken link. Who can help me?
You can email mobileappfeedback@sierracollege.edu.
I’m having a technical issue with the mobile app (log in issues, classes not showing, etc.). Who can help me?
You can submit a ticket in the app by going to Settings > Help & Feedback > App Technical Support
When was I provided the Mobile App Terms of Service (TOS) and Students’ Rights and Responsibilities?
You were shown and accepted the Mobile App Terms of Service (TOS) and Students’ Rights and Responsibilities when you first downloaded the mobile app and once each semester on the add/drop deadline. Additionally, they are always available in the mobile app and online.
Where can I review the Mobile App Terms of Service (TOS) and Student’s Rights and Responsibilities?
You can view the Mobile App Terms of Service (TOS) online or in the mobile app. The Students’ Rights and Responsibilities can be viewed online at catalog.sierracollege.edu/student-resources.
Where can I report a Title IX concern (harassment, discrimination, self-harm, etc.)?
You can find contact information for the Title IX office and other supports online by visiting Report It.
Where can I report a safety or security concern?
Please reach out to the Department of Community Safety to report security or safety concerns
Who can I talk to if my mobile app account has been suspended or muted?
If you believe your account was muted or suspended in error, or you would like to discuss why your account has been muted or suspended, you can follow the Grievance Process outlined in the Student’s Rights and Responsibilities.